I share my journeys and experiences throughout Canada on my blog, Canada Wander. Hope you enjoy it!

About Me

I arrived in Canada in mid-February 2021, during the heart of winter, when the temperature was -30°C. I came as an MSc student at Carleton University in Ottawa, Ontario.

I arrived in Canada with no prior knowledge of the country. From researching mortgages to exploring both the East and West coasts, obtaining a driving license, and getting my Permanent Resident card, I navigated everything independently through diligent research.

I created Canada Wander to help you have an easier journey than I did.

This picture was taken in 2021 at Peggy’s Cove in the East End of Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Welcome to Canada Wander, where memories are captured.

Live a fun Irish life.

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Where to next?

You can follow my Instagram to dm me there to know more about anything specific. My Instagram is here.

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